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Assignment #1

February 20, 2013

My Profile:

I am a junior studying Business Administration and the purpose of this blog is to complete my assignments and hopefully define a connection between the science and business worlds. I am particularly interested in food production/ distribution and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Significant environmental issues that have been happening lately are oil spills and forest fires that result in catastrophic damages for the plants and animals living in that environment. I live in Aiken, South Carolina which is relatively a flat country plain but the Savannah River runs by not too far from my town. A unique environmental issue close to where I live is the fact that there is the Savannah River Site Nuclear Plant and there is some controversy about radioactivity or pollution getting in the water. Officials claim that it is completely safe however. Image

Below are resources listed from what I think are most renewable to least renewable:

Biodiversity is the degree of variation of life forms within a given species or ecosystem and really drastic environmental changes could cause mass extinction which would constitute as overexploitation. Sustainable use would be to keep a balance in the environment.

Soil can renew itself quite easily as leaves and insects decompose to make it fertile; however, human activities can indirectly affect land/soil degradation because they can cause things such as floods and bush fires.

Timber. Deforestation or cutting down trees takes a many, many years for a tree to return to the height and width it was before it was cut down. The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity. Humans are of course the main ones to blame for this because we cut down trees to be used or sold as fuel or timber, while cleared land is used as pasture for livestock, plantations of commodities and settlements

Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world’s supply of clean, fresh water is steadily decreasing and water demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the world  and as the world population continues to rise, so too does the water demand. If we could find a way to somehow inexpensively turn salt water into drinkable water, this keep this resource sustainable.

Foodcrops depending on where you are at in the world have different degrees of sustainability. Factors that influence this could be the arid land, soil, climate, how often it is cultivated…etc. This could stay in sustainable use as long as it is not overused rapidly.

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One Comment
  1. DimGrek permalink

    Hi Eleni,

    Your post for the first assignment is good. I like your interest to “make connections between science and business worlds”. I like also the idea of having a student who is an experienced blogger (you told me that you have another one). Although I believe that you will do a good job in these posts, I need to let you know that the class expectations for the following posts will be more specific.

    Generally, you managed to collect enough information about your profile and you presented an accurate answer for the textbook question. I like the reasoning behind the presentation order.

    The following include my feedback to your post:

    A) Make sure you make specific REFERENCES to your book. This will be a major requirement for your posts in the future.

    B) Enrich all your posts with MEDIA related to your answer and make appropriate hyperlinks to other related sites. Savannah River Site River Plant and Aiken are not known to many students and including media (pictures, maps, videos), from your area will benefit many. Blogs give you the opportunity to enrich your assignments with more visual information. Use media more generously in your future posts.

    C) Although for this assignment citing sources was not mandatory, for the following posts proper citation of sources will be obligatory. Check the document on moodle named “CITING SOURCES IN ECOLOGY 110” and use it as a guide for proper citation in all your posts.

    E) Make sure that you change the settings to reflect GREEK TIME. Your settings show that you are 2 hours behind. Change the settings NOW.

    Overall, good effort.

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